Friday 7 May 2010

Information about our school

Information about our school
Liceo Scientifico "Enrico Fermi"
Via Settembrini 101
70053 Canosa di Puglia
Phone +390883661415
Fax +390883614246

The scientific Upper Secondary School "Enrico Fermi" born in 1968 is situated in a very important archeological area in Canosa, where you can see a hypogeum group called "the Watchdog".

It is one of the most important secondary schools in our territory including two associated upper schools of neighbouring little towns, the Scientific in Minervino Murge and the Linguistic one in Spinazzola.

Today it enrolls about 600 students of both genders only in Canosa aged between 14-19 years old.

Educational programmes
Our school presents a wide range of educational programmes with three main areas of study: PNI (the Educational Informatics Programme of Maths, Physics and Science);The scientific Technological Course;The Social-Psychological Pedagogical Course All areas try to satisfy the most important educational needs of the students and timetables go from 32 to 34 hours weekly. The priorities: a good vocational training of the teachers;the planning of the didactic work shared by the teachers of different subjects;to welcome the beginners;the vocational guidance to the student of the last school year who want to go to University;customer's satisfaction (that is to satisfy students' needs and parents' expectations). Environment Our building is not very modern and comfortable with the most essential facilities because it was built for a lower of students but thanks to skilful teachers it owns some updated laboratories as: A very modern equipped Informatics laboratory.A laboratory of Chemistry and of Natural ScienceA laboratory of Physics Focus Areas We are working on several projects as: The Science and Technology projectsNational Olympiads of Math and Physics (a challenge among clever students: it aims at aencouraging and stimulating students for the excellence in scientific test)English certificates of Trinity and Cambridge, Pet B1 with the presence of English teachers.A class newspaperA legally projectLectures on DanteComenius: a journey to hope: images of ourselves and othersCourses to achieve the ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence)Courses to achieve the Licence of riding motorcycles Alfa test courses to prepare students to University Entry testsSport Games

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